Course curriculum

    1. The Next Word - AI & Teachers

    1. Introduction to the Course

    2. The Basics of AI

    3. The Basics of AI - Assessment

    4. How AI Works

    5. Chatbots

    6. Chatbots you may have used

    7. How AI works and Chatbots - Assessment

    1. Overview of ChatGPT

    2. Signing up to ChatGPT

    3. ChatGPT - Basic Use

    4. ChatGPT - Practice Tasks

    1. An Introduction to Using ChatGPT as a teacher

    2. Examples for pre-service teachers/teacher PD

    3. Examples for Digital Technologies (IT/Computing)

    4. Example of story writing (Role-play, text-based adventures)

    5. Example of dance

    6. Examples for English/Literacy/Media studies

    7. Examples for History

    8. Examples for Design & Technology

    9. Example for Maths

    10. Primary example - Unit of Learning

    11. Summary of Using ChatGPT in Education

    1. An Introduction to ChatGPT use in learning

    2. Empowering students with AI

    3. Creating criteria for personal development

    4. A conversation partner for Language learners

    5. Facilitating discussions

    6. Versioning

    7. Ideation through prompting

    8. Create text for critique.

    9. Facilitating active learning

    10. Storifying factual content

    1. Assessment in the age of AI

    2. One-to-one panel discussions/interviews

    3. Editing ChatGPT output

    4. Peer quizzes

About this course

  • Free
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content